Monday, April 29, 2013

FIRST OFF!!!! Happy 8 months Elder Beary!!!

Ahhh, thanks everyone!

Tuesday: We had a training with President Castro in the morning. THen we had lunch at home (Bishops wife gave us food) Then we worked... We went to help Andreia with smoking... Nothing has worked the last 2 weeks of trying. So, we tried the ciggarete tea... It did it´s part. We put two smashed up smokes in hot water, she drank it... She spilled her guts all over the floor and hopefully that will help her!!! Then we went to Tamiris´. Then we went home, cool right!?!!?

Wednesday! Was a pretty boring day.We had lunch with Irmão Alexandre (Tamiris´uncle) Then we made our trips visiting people... NOthing worth noting.

Thursday: Lunch was at home, so we had a churrasco! Then we had another training with President Castro and the AP´s. Then we waited at the church until about 7 because we went on splits with the AP´s. Pres. Castro went with the other two. Elder Barros went with my comp and I went with Elder Lindsey. Remember that name? He was my first LZ in Pelotas. Well, we left the stake center at about 7 after president Castro did interviews. Then President stopped the car to buy us food. Then we got to our area at about 8:10. Didn´t have a lot of time to do much. Oh well! 

Friday: We taught a 1st lesson for Simone like none other! Elder Barros and S. Silva made a contact in the splits and marked an appointment. So we went there. During the lessons she started crying and evertyhing... We took a member with us to help and it was a textbook example of what members should do! WOW"

Saturday: WE received money for lunch. Then we worked a normal day... Found 1 new special family (Débora, Jominho and Nicolly)  that was a reference from a member... But, didn´t have a great lesson.  :(

Sunday: We had stake conference... It was cool, about 12 stakes in Brasil had it, so they sent a live video like general conference from SLC. One member of the 70, The presiding bishop and the 1st conselor in the Relief society talked... Then, Elder Scott got up and gave his talk in Portuguese... That was kind of cool to see! Well, Simone didn´t show up... Sister Andreia even went to her house to pick her up but nobody was home. Ç( We´re going there today to find out what happend... Though, about 5 minutes into it Débora and her family showed up!!! What? I was not expecting it at all. But, I´ll take it! 

Now it´s P-day a day of monopoly and Tereré!!! 

This week I burned my arm on the iron... I learned to love tea (Sorry mom) but it really does help when you´re sick. :) Everyone in our house was sick this week.

Missionary goal:  be this tall spiritually

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